If you want to создать анкету, remember there are two categories of inquiries: open and closed. The first involves selecting one or more responses from the available options. The second is a written response that stands on its own.
Despite using both formats, the survey usually tries to reduce the number of unanswered questions. The reason for this is that comparing respondents’ free responses is significantly more challenging.
Formulating questions
The brain research of the client is with the end goal that even the very truth that you are keen on his perspective as of now expands dedication to you. The client needs to have the impression that they are willing to hear what he has to say.
- Utilize monosyllabic expressions. Take, for instance, the inquiry, “Can you name the product’s advantages and disadvantages?” divide by two better. Participants may become confused and uncomfortable if this is not done.
- Use general language. Try to provide responses that are appropriate for both men and women if there are survey participants who are male and female.
- Switch between open-ended and closed-ended questions. Respondents are less likely to become stale and have a better chance of completing all of the questions.
- Write clearly and concisely. Create concise sentences devoid of jargon or terms that necessitate specialized knowledge on the part of the participants. A questionnaire that is difficult to understand is less likely to be completed.
- Set up a conversation with the user. Use the first person or an impersonal form for answer options and the second person for questions.
The client’s patience to get to the point and provide you with precisely the information for which you started this survey will be reduced by the more abstract and optional questions that follow at the beginning of the survey. When attempting to delay uncomfortable questions, this mistake is frequently made.