- Education

Different Ways to Learn English

Many people often think that English is a taught language to learn, and they have quite a reason to believe so. Many words are present in the English language that often confuse readers, and many times, people, irrespective of their age, make mistakes while using easily confusing words. So, how to ensure that you can not only learn English but also never get confused between commonly mistaken terms? This article will help you understand what most commonly confused words terms mean and how one can use them in the right context. 

Learning English can be quite easy when you know the meanings of the words you are using. If you are still wondering How to learn english, then this article will prove to be quite helpful for you. The better you know when and how to use some words, the faster you can learn English. 

Confusing Words List

Almost all of us know that there are words present in the English language that often confuse the brightest of minds. So, to ensure that the word you are using is in the right context, you need to go through the easily confused words. 

  • Bear and bare – One of the most commonly used words are ‘bare’ and ‘bear’. The word bear means to put up with something/someone or carry the weight of something/someone. The word bear also can refer to the omnivorous animal. The word bare mainly means uncovered/naked or just enough/sufficient, but it can also be used as an intensifier.
  • Conscious and conscience – Another set of terms that often confuse students are ‘conscious’ and ‘conscience’. On the one hand, ‘conscious’ means being aware of one’s surroundings/actions or being awake, whereas conscience refers to having a moral understanding of what’s wrong and right.  
  • Everyday and every day – The word ‘everyday’ is used to denote things/activities that happen on a regular basis, whereas the word ‘every day’ means each day, i.e., day-to-day. Once you understand the difference between these two words, it will be much easier for you to use these words. 

Apart from the words discussed above there’s another set of words that often people make mistakes while using i.e. “its and it’s”.  The difference between its and it’s is that the former is used as a possessive determiner, whereas the latter is the abbreviated form of the word ‘it is’. For example, “the dog is wagging its tail.” Here, ‘its’ refers to the tail of the dog. Whereas “It’s the dog’s bed.” Here, “it’s” is used to denote that it is the dog’s bed.

In conclusion, the words that are discussed in this article are some of the many commonly confused words that students make errors while using. So, after going through this article, students will have a clearer understanding of how or in which context they can use these words. After all, if you aspire to improve your English, then you must have an idea about the words you are using.

About Cherly Crawford

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